NERP is Not Exclusively Raspberry Pi, but Monday, 1/28, we’ll be all Raspberry.
Pumping Station:One and NERP are excited to be included in Adafruit Industries community grants of cool hardware for the Raspberry Pi. Adafruit is sending us a care package of Raspberry Pi gear we can use to make projects. The exact contents of the package will be a surprise.
On Monday Jan. 28th at 7pm, we’ll get into the swing of making cool Pi things by doing a hands-on workshop on basic controlling and sensing with the Pi. Bring your Pi, keyboard, monitor, etc, and try out a couple of demo projects from learn.adafruit.com . The parts cost should be about zero since the projects don’t require much external hardware. PS1’s Electronics area will provide tools and parts to get started.
We’ll learn how to turn on a simple LED (or anything else) using Python. Then we’ll explore two example projects on learn.adafruit.com :
Find NERP and Pumping Station:One
at http://www.meetup.com/NERP-Not-Exclusively-Raspberry-Pi/
and https://pumpingstationone.org
As always, if you have a NERP related project that you’d like to share, bring
it along!
NERP meets at 7pm 1/28/13 at Pumping Station:One, 3519 N. Elston Ave. in Chicago. NERP is free and open to the public.