AVAST ME HEARTIES! Belay that talk of a boring Saturday night, the good ship Pumping Station: One is offering fair quarter for jack tars and landlubbers alike on Saturday September 18th. Join us in splicing the mainbrace (a colloquialism for downing some ale) on the eve of International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Down ye some grog and eat ye some grub, come away with proper booty, and party like yer going on the account.
Bring yer own rum, or donate your dubloons. Eye-patches provided, costumes encouraged. Festivities begin at two hours past sundown (9:00 p.m.). Fair winds!
Suggested donation: Members 5$, Non-Members $10.
Examples of pirate styles accepted:
- Sea Pirates
- Space Pirates
- Somalian Pirates
- Sky Pirates
- Media Pirates
- Bus Pirates