The most excellent Mitch Altman, co-founder Noisebridge & TV-B-Gone inventor, is in town to speak at Flourish Open Source Conference at UIC this weekend.

Mitch Altman presents ‘Hacking Cool Things with Microcontrollers’ at Maker Faire Detroit 2010
Mitch loves hackers, so he’s coming by our space for a special Thursday edition of the our bi-weekly Circuit Hacking Wednesday: Circuit Hacking Fun Night!
Come get your electrons & solder on with Mitch and other friendly hackers on Thursday, April 7th, 7pm-9pm.
Inspired by Noisebridge’s Circuit Hacking Monday, any experience level is welcome. Beginners can learn to solder and make cool stuff in a couple hours. DIY electronics kits from Cornfield Electronics (Mitch’s company) and Adafruit Industries will be available for cash sale.
And remember: Soldering is Easy!