The second meeting of the Intro to Arduino Class will be Sunday March 4 at 3pm. There are 10 seats available, but observers are welcome after the 10 seats are filled. In the first meeting, we learned about soldering and reading circuit diagrams by making an Arduino work-alike from raw components and a blank proto-board.
In the second class we’ll
- learn to use a breadboard for doing quick “sketches” with electronic parts.
- use a pushbutton, a photoresistor, and a potentiometer to learn about providing inputs into an Arduino program.
- use a serial data connection to communicate with a small LCD character display that can show two lines of text.
- have a first look at ways of powering our circuit when it’s disconnected from the computer.
If you weren’t at the first meeting and therefore don’t have a copy of the board we made, you can still participate by bringing your own Arduino or Arduino-compatible.
The session-2 kit has a breadboard, LCD character display, heavy duty 5-volt adapter, and a couple of other things. If you attend, you should purchase the kit. Price for the session-2 kit is $29.00
I’ll take reservations by email and payment for the kit on site.
Who: everyone (members and non-members are welcome), seating is limited to 10 people.
Cost: $29 for the kit. and to arrange payment.
When: 3/4/2012 3-5pm
Reservations: email ed at kineticsandelectronics dot com
Where: Pumping Station: One 3354 N Elston Ave Chicago, IL 60647