In 2012 the cheapest Single Board Computer that could run Linux cost around $150.00. The prospect $35 Linux SBC with HDMI was loney talk. If it wasn’t vaporware, it certainly couldn’t be sustainable, we thought.

The RPi and its cronies and successors are very much here to stay. Even so, a $9 credit card sized linux SBC seems a bit “out there”, but here comes the C.H.I.P “The world’s First $9 Computer”.
The C.H.I.P. hasn’t shipped in volume yet, but Linux kernel hackers have been able to order alpha versions for testing and for fun. Tonight at NERP, PS1’s Drew Fustini will demo his new C.H.I.P. board. Is it another game changer? We’ll see!
NERP is not exclusively Raspberry Pi, the small computer and embedded systems interest group at Pumping Station:One in Chicago. NERP meets every other Monday at 7pm at Pumping Station:One, 3519 N. Elston Ave. in Chicago.
Find NERP and Pumping Station:One at
Doors open at 6:30pm.
NERP is free and open to the public.
Ed Bennett ed @ kinetics and electronics com
Tags: electronics, embedded, NERP, Open Source,
raspberry pi, hackerspace, Beagle Bone, Element14, Pumping Station One
Tags: Beagle Bone, electronics, Element14, embedded, hackerspace, NERP, Open Source, Pumping Station: One, raspberry pi