- Jeff wrote a blog post about his presentation: Using embedded vision for autonomous car obstacle avoidance
- Photos from the meeting with captions
- Aquaponics automation slides
The next meeting of our embedded systems interest group, Not Exclusivly Raspberry Pi (NERP), will be Monday, September 24th, at 7pm. We have two presentations lined up:
- Jeff will be talking about his research into machine vision on embedded systems. He’s been working on an autonomous car project.
(source: http://jeffsinventions.com/?p=577)
- Christopher will give a demo based around the automation framework he’s been working on using Python, Raspberry Pi and Phidgets. It’s currently based around his aquaponics system.
(source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquaponics)
NERP is open to the public and free to attend – just RSVP on our Meetup page.