Every Thursday night…
The CNC Build Club meets to build, use and learn about CNC machines.
April 18th at 7:00 PM.
Open to non- members

Over the last three weeks we built this little delta 3D printer.
There are a few little changes to make to it this week, like a spool holder on top.
This medium sized CNC Router was lent to PS:One by Automation Technologies. It still needs to be wired and setup. The plan is to get this going, teach a few classes with it, have a few project nights and then it will be for sale at a big discount (TBD). If you are interested in the process of setting a machine like this up, you might want to attend the next few meetings.

Someone suggested building a filament extruder so we could make our own filament and play with our own formulas like conductive or flexible. This is one on Thingiverse, but I am sure we would add our own touches.