Writing the Night Away with Writer Zen Garden and NaNoWriMo!

20131113 Pic 1November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo.  The objective is to write 50,000 words or more during the month.

One of the ways to do that is to attend a Write-In, an event where participants support each other, engage in word wars, and commiserate on the vicissitudes of the writing life – and otherwise abuse their vocabulary.

Tonight’s Write-In in the lounge was no exception.  We came, we wrote, and we played Go to unwind.  Writers worked on short story compilations, manga, speeches, and novels.  If you’ve always wondered what it’s like to write a novel, then by all means join us!  The next PS1 Write-Ins are Wednesday 11/20 and Wednesday 11/27 from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. in the Lounge.

The Writer Zen Garden hosts a number of events at PS1, including our popular Prompt Circle, Artist Way Clusters, and Plotting Workshops.  Check us out on Meetup or stop by an event.

Write on!

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