Charles Steinkuehle, the guy behind the Machinekit port of Linux CNC to the Beaglebone microcontroller is going to be in town Thursday 6/26/2014, so we are going to have a special edition of the CNC build club. Special features on the Beaglebone make it the first general use microcontroller to be able to effectively run Linux CNC.
He will be showing off his new CRAMPS (Cape RAMPS) board. This is a cape for the Beaglebone that all all the periferals you would need for a CNC machine or 3D printer
We have featured LinuxCNC on Beaglebone at a few other CNC Build Club events, so it is great to have Charles stop by:
When: Thursday, June 26th 2014 at 7:00pm
Where: Pumping Station One, Electronics Lab
Who Can Come: Members and Non-Members….Please RSVP Here