Lucid Dream: any dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming.
A few of us got together to discuss lucid dreaming this past Sunday. Among the things we talked about were; the benefits of lucid dreaming, the possible evolutionary explanations for dreaming, and personal lucid dreaming experiences.
We left off with a group challenge to try at home:
1. Wake up earlier than normal.
2. Play ambient tropical ocean sounds. Click here for ambient music or find your own.
3. Go back to sleep with the ambient tropical sounds playing.
With this experiment, we want to see if we can affect our dream’s setting through audio. You may be able to hear the sounds in your dream, which could place your dream on a tropical beach.
I hope to use these meetings as a way to explore how we can use lucid dreaming, with intention and purpose, to improve and explore ourselves. How can we hack our dreams to get more out of them? Can lucid dreaming become part of our creative process? Join us at our next meeting and feel free to try out the group challenge. We will discuss our experiences with this experiment together.
Next Meeting: Sunday, Aug 10 at 7pm in the kitchen