Ste Kulov is Lead Design Engineer at HD Retrovision. Ste (known in NBA Jam as STE) was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago and spent most of his childhood with his hands glued to a SNES controller. Like so many life-long nerds, Ste went to school for electrical engineering and became an expert at working with circuits. His passion for working on really cool engineering projects is second only to his obsession with video games. Ste conceived the original idea for HD Retrovision in his engineering design class to solve the world’s most pressing problem: allowing gamers to play their old systems on TV’s that don’t have the right inputs. [NERP Note: HD Retrovision cables are analog circuit devices. The HD Retrovision circuit board is molded into the cable.]
PS1 knows Ste for being a really good teacher. We wish he could find time to do more analog and fpga circuit classes (hint, hint).
A vital aspect of manufacturing is testing and quality control. Someone has to do it, and they need test instruments, test fixtures, custom software, and detailed written test requirements and procedures. Ste had to design a turnkey QC system for use by his contract manufacturer. The HD retrovision circuit itself is all analog, but the QC system is FPGA based. At NERP tonite, Ste will explain how you QC a cable on the other side of the world.
NERP is not exclusively Raspberry Pi, the small computer and embedded systems interest group at Pumping Station:One in Chicago. NERP meets every other Monday at 7pm at Pumping Station:One, 3519 N. Elston Ave. in Chicago. Find NERP and Pumping Station:One at
Doors open at 6:30pm. NERP is free and open to the public. Ed Bennett ed @ kinetics and electronics com Tags: electronics, embedded, NERP, Open Source, raspberry pi, hackerspace, Beagle Bone, Pumping Station One