Announcing: PS1 Member Survey

We want to hear from you! The PS1 PR team (Adam Stein and Alisha Ciardi) is about to launch a survey of PS1 members to get a better understanding who we are as community, how we use PS1 as a space, and how we view the organization. Please read on for details about the survey and in particular about the steps we are taking to safeguard the confidentiality of your responses.

Why are we doing this?

We have surprisingly little data about who makes up the PS1 community. The feedback we do get is mostly anecdotal. We want to hear from all our members, especially those who do not regularly participate in member forums, both online and in person at the space itself.

Especially as we face some existential questions raised by the building sale, it’s hard to chart a course without a sense of who the membership is and what the membership wants.

While any survey has its limitations, a well-designed survey will provide valuable qualitative and quantitative data that will help round out our picture of PS1.

Confidentiality and anonymity

We want to ensure that you feel comfortable to share your thoughts free from judgment. To prevent anyone’s opinions or information being shared publicly, here are the steps we are taking:

  1. Survey responses are being collected anonymously, which means that no identifying information will captured about individual respondents.
  2. We have a hired a third-party to collect and process the raw survey responses for us and delete the source data.
  3. The third-party analyst will divide the data into two sets: demographics and other data. The PS1 PR team will only see the disaggregated data, to further ensure the anonymity of your responses.
  4. Only the PR team will view the full responses. We will prepare a summary report for wider dissemination.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please reach out to

What happens now?

You will receive an email with a link to the survey sometime in the next few days. (Again, even though the link is sent to you via email, no identifying information will be recorded with your response.)

If for some reason you don’t receive a survey invitation, request one at

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